Walls, Drywall, and Insulation

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Construction Worker Built A Drywall

Walls and drywall topics are always in hot demand for the home improvement do-it-yourselfers. Learn how to work with drywall to basement wall systems, as well as utilize ideas like self-adhesive wall tiles. Of course, what is in the walls is important to, so read about the types of insulation and the best insulation for your home.

Walls and Drywall Installation

Your home didn't just come with walls. If you've ever had to extend a room or knock out a wall, you've seen all the materials behind that coat of paint. Do-it-yourself drywall or drywall repair can make you cringe. But once you know how to hang drywall, repair drywall or how to find wall studs, it might not seem so scary. All drywall isn't created equal either. While there is traditional drywall, it's good to know the difference between traditional drywall and paperless drywall if you're considering this option. Paperless drywall is actually covered with fiberglass instead of paper and has a few advantages over the latter.

Basement Walls

If you've seen one wall, you've seen them all right? Not exactly. Walls in your basement are different from your typical walls because a lot of time they are cement rather than drywall. This means that they can be prone to cracking. Learning how to fix the cracks can be pivotal to keeping your living space up to par. If you want to create walls in your basement, you might go the traditional drywall system, or you might try a basement wall system like plastic walls. These are better for the moisture that can be found in the basement.

Beyond Drywall

When you are thinking about creating the walls in your new addition or home, you don't have to stick with drywall. You might try other wall coverings based on your own personal style. For example, some people really enjoy wood paneling while others cringe. Another option you can explore is ceramic wall tiles or even beadboard paneling. You might even consider textured walls in your home.

It's All About the Insulation

Before you can put up the drywall, you need to think about insulation. This is what's going to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. If you're a novice, you might just need help figuring out how to install insulation. However, if you are confident in your skills, you can find out more about blown-in insulation.

Wall Problems

You might just be adding walls to update your home or because you wanted to add an addition. However, you may have found a problem and need to get it fixed quickly and correctly. While problems can be a pain, it's helpful to know how you can dry out wet drywall, repair dry rot or even find signs of termites.

Arm Yourself With Wall Knowledge

Tackling walls and drywall installation can be a big undertaking! Get the knowledge and tools you need to not only build and repair walls but find the best system for your basement.

Walls, Drywall, and Insulation