How Much Does a Sheet of Drywall Weigh?

Drywall Sheet

When embarking on a do-it-yourself home renovation project, you may wonder how much does a sheet of drywall weigh? While it may look flimsy, a stack of sheets can quickly add up in pounds.

What Is Drywall?

Drywall is typically used to construct interior walls and ceilings. Aside from very old buildings, it is very likely that drywall covers the interiors of your home, office and many retail stores that you visit. While the correct technical term for drywall is "gypsum wallboard," it is commonly and incorrectly referred to as Sheetrock, which is a trademarked brand.

Drywall is made of gypsum plaster, which is finished with a sheet of paper on each side. It is kiln tried to seal the paper and harden the panel. Finished panels are typically four feet wide and eight feet tall in the United States. Larger panel sizes are also available, including four feet by ten or twelve feet.

Types of Drywall

Drywall is available in different thicknesses. The most common thicknesses are 1/2" and 5/8", but drywall is also manufactured in 1/4" and 3/8" thick sheets. Additionally, there are a multitude of drywall products that contain different materials to produce desired effects. These options include:

  • Standard white board
  • Fire-resistant gypsum board
  • Greenboard - identifiable by its green paper, this type provides moisture and humidity resistance for spaces like restrooms
  • Blueboard - similar to greenboard, this type can be skim-coated with plaster and helps resist water and mold
  • Cement board - often used as a base for ceramic tile, most water resistant type of drywall
  • Soundboard - constructed of wood fibers for sound absorption
  • Soundproof drywall - laminated to stop sound transmission
  • Paperless - mold-resistant drywall
  • Enviroboard - constructed from recycled materials
  • Foil-backed - to control moisture transmission
  • Lead-lined - for use in rooms with radiology equipment
  • Controlled density - a stiffer version for ceiling applications

The Weight of a Sheet of Drywall

The weight of a sheet of drywall is affected by the factors listed above, such as thickness and construction. For a frame of reference, standard 1/2" drywall that is used in interior residential construction generally weighs about 1.6 pounds per square foot, totaling 51.2 pounds for one sheet. A 5/8" sheet of drywall, which is used to achieve fire ratings, typically weighs a little over 70 pounds. Also, depending on their dimensions, special types of drywall including moisture resistant products are often even heavier. Four by twelve feet panels can weigh as much as 125 pounds!

Safety Precautions for Handling Drywall

Now that you can answer the question, how much does a sheet of drywall weigh, you understand that drywall appears deceptively lightweight. Just because it looks like a thin sheet coated in paper, that doesn't mean that one person can easily lift a panel. Follow a few tips for safely handling and installing drywall:

  • Purchase the thinnest drywall that is appropriate for your job to avoid over-spending and potentially injuring yourself.
  • Ask the supplier to drop your stack of drywall off as close as possible to the location where you will be installing it so that you don't have to carry sheets long distances.
  • If you must move several sheets at once, use a hand truck or dolly.
  • Move only one sheet by hand at a time to avoid injury.
  • Two sets of hands are better than one. Enlist help to move your drywall sheets so you are responsible for only one end, which will also help prevent damage to the delicate corners.
  • Use a drywall lift or jack to install the drywall, especially when working alone.
  • If you are inexperienced with hanging drywall, ask a drywall-savvy friend to help out or hire a professional.
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How Much Does a Sheet of Drywall Weigh?